Prime SE2016 enumeration in the Home Office of the Governor Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Prime SE2016 enumeration in the Home Office of the Governor Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan.

Prime SE2016 enumeration in the Home Office of the Governor Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan.

May 1, 2016 | Other Activities

Sunday, May 1, 2016. West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan (Aher) into a first responder
SE2016 for data collection conducted in West Java. Aher recorded by the census officers of BPS Bandung
accompanied by the Head of BPS RI Suryamin and Head of West Java BPS Bachdi Ruswana at his official residence in
Pakuan Building, Jl. Otto Iskandardinata 1, Bandung, on Sunday morning (05/01/2016).
Aher census officers to explain, he was with household members who live in the house
agencies have no business either active or being stopped temporarily. since served
Governor of West Java, Aher explained focusing on the job as state officials so no
time to do other business.
After chopped by Aher SE2016 officer together with the Head of BPS RI Suryamin testified
associated press economic census. Aher expect 2016 economic census can successfully describe economic data
in fact, that the government could conduct an analysis of the business world in particular economic progress
in West java. While Suryamin invites the entire community play an active role by receiving clerk
SE2016 and provide answers related to what their ongoing effort, because the answer
society in the current economic census will determine the fate of the business ten years into the future.
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