Ceremony in the Context of National Awakening Day 108th 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Ceremony in the Context of National Awakening Day 108th 2016

Ceremony in the Context of National Awakening Day 108th 2016

May 23, 2016 | Other Activities

Friday, May 20, 2016. The ceremony was held in the courtyard flag BPS Office of West Java province in
commemoration of National Awakening Day to 108 in 2016. The theme this time Harkitnas "Engraving Meaning
Realizing Indonesian National Awakening Working with Real, and Character ".
Acting as a builder ceremony is Head of Production Statistics Ir. H. Ruslan, and followed
by all employees of BPS West Java province both structural and non-structural. Pembina ceremony
reading the speech of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, which contains about
the importance of keeping the spirit of nationalism in the modern era like today. Exemplary struggle
Boedi Utomo who later gave birth to the Youth Pledge until the youth struggling not
tirelessly to give birth to the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Commitment to the Homeland needs to be returned
affirmed so long to remember to stand as a nation, threats and challenges of wholeness NKRI not
a step downs. Even with advances in digital technology, the threat of radicalism and terrorism
got a new medium for the spread of and practice. This can be a warning Harkitnas
Trisakti spirit of renewal; independent in politics, self-sufficient in the economy, and personality
in culture. "If consistent, the independence of the Grace of God will lead the nation Indonesia
the next revival, which became the nation more prosperous and competitive in the arena
international, "says builder closing ceremony speech.
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