Sacrifice Lillahi Ta'ala..BPS Jawa Barat Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Sacrifice Lillahi Ta'ala..BPS Jawa Barat Province

Sacrifice Lillahi Ta'ala..BPS Jawa Barat Province

September 14, 2016 | Other Activities

13 September 2016. In order Idul Adha 1437 Hijri, BPS West Java Province through
DKM Al-Ikhlas carry out cutting sacrificial animals in the yard. A total of three (3) cows and
1 (one) sheep which is a mandate of 22 employees at the West Java BPS-sacrificial-kan on
Eid celebration this year.
The event begins with a morning assembly followed by all, in his message to the Head of BPS West Java Province
Bachdi Ruswana convey its important share to others either by carrying out
Eid Qurban any warning. Cutting sacrificial animals made by the Chairman DKM Al-Ikhlas Mas'ud
Rifai and perecahan meat is done by a team of butchers are deliberately brought in to save time
pelaksanakan cutting up the meat ready to be packed and distributed.
Packages sacrificial meat is distributed to all employees of BPS West Java province, local residents
office and several foundations and orphanages in several places in the city of Bandung.
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