August 5, 2019 | BPS Activities
The Official Press Release on August 5, 2019 held at BPS Jawa Barat Province. The event was attended by offices/agencies in the Jawa Barat Province government environment and journalists from various media. Release material includes 2 themes on Economic Growth in Jawa Barat and the Consumer Tendency Index for Quarter II-2019. Material delivered by the Chief of BPS Jawa Barat Province, Ir. Dody Herlando, M.Econ was accompanied by the Head of Regional Balance and Statistical Analysis Division and the Head of IPDS Division. The BRS release event took place at BPS Building Jawa Barat Province, 3rd Floor. for more : click here
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Barat (Statistics of Jawa Barat)Jl. PHH. Mustofa No. 43 Bandung 40124
Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Telp: +62 22 7272595
Fax: +62 22 7213572