West Java Strengthens Collaboration and Synergy in the Implementation of Regsosek 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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West Java Strengthens Collaboration and Synergy in the Implementation of Regsosek 2022

West Java Strengthens Collaboration and Synergy in the Implementation of Regsosek 2022

September 15, 2022 | Other Activities

In order to realize One Data, especially for data used in social protection programs, a comprehensive integrated social protection data collection ecosystem is needed. Therefore, the government through a presidential instruction has mandated BPS to carry out data collection for Social Economic Registration (Regsosek) in 2022.

“BPS has a noble and at the same time very difficult task to collect initial data on the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration. We often find out from the media that there are programs that are not on target. For that, we from BPS were ordered to conduct initial data collection," said Marsudijono (Head of BPS West Java Province).

Marsudijono also said that Regsosek was intended to support One Indonesia Data which was used for various purposes.

The Regsosek stage has been in preparation since 2021, and in 2022 the data collection will be carried out starting from October 15 to November 14, 2022. The data variables collected include those related to population and employment, housing, health and disability, social protection, education, and economic empowerment.

Furthermore, in 2023 the data will be processed and ranked, until the target in 2024 is expected to be system stability by forming a National Data Center and quality control mechanism.

Marsudijono also asked for support from various parties regarding the initial data collection of the 2022 Regsosek. Moreover, the price of fuel has increased, and data collection starts from the month that is not far from the increase in fuel.
"So we need a special strategy, BPS friends need escorts from law enforcement officers so that they work smoothly in the field," he hoped.

The West Java Provincial Government welcomes the start of the initial data collection for the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration by the Central Bureau of Statistics of the West Java Province.
The West Java Regional Secretary (Setiawan) conveyed three things that must be considered in the implementation of data collection. First, BPS cannot do it alone, there needs to be an escort so that every data collection process goes well.
Second, there is a need for security because conditions in the dynamic field cannot be predicted with certainty, anything can be a challenge for data officers in the field.
Moreover, there is still turmoil in the community due to the increase in the price of Fuel Oil (BBM) plus ripples related to the distribution of Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for certain communities.
Thus, separate handling is needed so that the arrival of BPS officers door to door to people's homes is not misinterpreted with confusing issues.
The third publication. We must be able to help enlighten the public on what the data collection is for. The media need to help with the publication.
Setiawan also said that the role of the mass media is important.
Other support was also conveyed by Committee III DPD RI Jabar Eni Sumarni who encouraged BPS West Java to cooperate with various parties, especially regional leadership communication forum both in the province, as well as districts/cities, to the ranks of RT/RW.
"One thing that needs to be emphasized, let's support (Regsosek 2022) so that One Data Indonesia, especially West Java, is timely, has high validity, and is reliable to accelerate the welfare of the Indonesian people," explained Eni.
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