Jawa Barat Farmers Term of Trade of February 2012 Decreases by 0.45 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Jawa Barat Farmers Term of Trade of February 2012 Decreases by 0.45 Percent

Jawa Barat Farmers Term of Trade of February 2012 Decreases by 0.45 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2012
File Size : 0.1 MB


Based on monitoring results in 17 Jawa Barat Provinces in February 2012, the combined NTP of five sub-sectors in Jawa Barat decreased by 0.45 percent compared to January 2012 from 108.51 to 108.03. The decline was due to the rise in the agriculture price index of agricultural products received by the farmers (IT) rose 0.08 percent lower than the increase in the price index of goods and services consumed by farmers Index paid by Farmers (IB) which rose by 0.53 percent. When viewed from the NTP per fifth subsector simultaneously decreased in February 2012, the NTP-R sub-sector of NTP-R to 116.52 decreased from 117.75 or down 1.05 percent. In the second sequence the NTP of the Food Crop sub-sector becomes 105.90 from 106.48 and the Fisheries sub-sector to 112.04 from 112.67 where respectively decreased by 0.55 percent. NTP two other sectors namely the Livestock sub-sector (NTP-Pt) to 97.57 from 97.67 or decreased by 0.10 percent and NTP Horticulture subsector to 114.46 from 114.52 or down by 0.05 percent.
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