Farmers Exchange Rate of Jawa Barat for February 2021 is 99.85 or decreased 0.21 percent (2018 = 100) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Farmers Exchange Rate of Jawa Barat for February 2021 is 99.85 or decreased 0.21 percent (2018 = 100)

Release Date : March 1, 2021
File Size : 1.21 MB


Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) is the comparison of the price index received by farmers (IT) to the price index paid by farmers (IB).
  • NTP is an indicator proxy to see the level of ability / purchasing power of rural farmers. NTP also shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumed as well as production costs.
  • NTP Jawa Barat in February 2021 decreased by 0.21 percent compared to January 2021, from 100.06 to 99.85
  • Exchange Rate of Agricultural Household Enterprises (NTUP) in Jawa Barat in February 2021 decreased by 0.31, IT fell by 0.03 percent, while the BPPBM index also increased by 0.28 percent.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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