Consumer Prices of Some Goods and Services in 20 Cities, Regencies/Municipalities of Jawa Barat Province in 1999 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

Saksikan Rilis Berita Resmi Statistik pada tautan berikut | Telah Rilis Publikasi Provinsi Jawa Barat Dalam Angka 2024 di sini | Data Mencerdaskan Bangsa

Consumer Prices of Some Goods and Services in 20 Cities, Regencies/Municipalities of Jawa Barat Province in 1999

Catalog Number : 7104002.32
Publication Number : 32541.10
ISSN/ISBN : 979-486-484-6
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : February 15, 2000
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 20.62 MB


The consumer price data presented is based on the results of the Consumer Price Survey conducted in 20 regencies/municipalities in Jawa Barat Province with a total of 175 types of commodities presented. With the existence of obstacles, both technical and field problems, it is felt that there are still many shortcomings in the presentation of price data in this publication. The presentation of units and quality/brands and several types of goods and services cannot be presented in a more specific manner, so that in order to compare price data between cities, apart from having to look at the unit, the price, while comparing price data over time can be applied directly.
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