Jawa Barat Population Results of the 2000 Population Census - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Jawa Barat Population Results of the 2000 Population Census

Catalog Number : 2102010.32
Publication Number : 05310.0211
ISSN/ISBN : 979 598 969 3
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 10, 2001
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 23.15 MB


The 2000 Population Census (SP2000) enumeration was carried out in June 2000 with the aim of knowing the population in 2000, broken down by age, gender, urban/rural area. Apart from that, it also contains tables regarding education, fertility, mortality, migration and the labor force. The results of the 2000 Population Census were published in stages, interim results were published in December 2000. This publication presents fixed figures for the 2000 Population Census results which contain more detailed tables and are presented at both the national and provincial levels.
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