Employment Situation of Jawa Barat 2003 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

Saksikan Rilis Berita Resmi Statistik pada tautan berikut | Telah Rilis Publikasi Provinsi Jawa Barat Dalam Angka 2024 di sini | Data Mencerdaskan Bangsa

Employment Situation of Jawa Barat 2003

Catalog Number : 2301023.32
Publication Number : 32520.0305
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 5, 2003
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.07 MB


Broadly speaking, this publication presents employment data in Jawa Barat such as the age structure of the working age population, sex, education level, employment status, type of work, employment opportunities, and number of hours worked. In addition, data on the number and rate of unemployment in Jawa Barat were also presented.
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