Gross Regional Domestic Product of Jawa Barat by Expenditure 2001-2003 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Jawa Barat by Expenditure 2001-2003

Catalog Number : 9302002.32
Publication Number : 32550.0402
ISSN/ISBN : 979486790X
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 8, 2004
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 7.14 MB


GRDP of Jawa Barat publication according to usage contains information on the components that make up the GRDP according to use, namely Household Consumption, Government Consumption, Non-Profit Institution Consumption, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Stock Change and Import Export. These components encourage aggregate demand so as to grow the production of goods and services. In 2003 this activity caused the Jawa Barat Economic Growth Rate to experience an acceleration in growth compared to last year's which reached 4.38% while the previous year was only 3.91%.
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