GRDP of Regency/Municipality in Jawa Barat by Industrial Origin 2003-2005 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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GRDP of Regency/Municipality in Jawa Barat by Industrial Origin 2003-2005

Catalog Number : 9302008.32
Publication Number : 32550.0604
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : September 1, 2006
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 23.73 MB


GRDP of Regency/Municipality in Jawa Barat Province by Industrial Origin 2003-2005 contains macroeconomic indicators that can describe the economic performance of regency / municipalities in Jawa Barat Province, including: economic growth rate, sectoral role and per capita GRDP. The data used to compile this publication are sourced from various agencies, agencies and institutions both at the provincial and regency / municipalitieslevels as well as censuses and surveys conducted by BPS-Statistics of Jawa Barat Province.
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