Investment Matrix of Jawa Barat 2006-2008 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Investment Matrix of Jawa Barat 2006-2008

Catalog Number : 9402001.32
Publication Number : 32550.0904
ISSN/ISBN : 9794869910
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : November 3, 2009
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 27.77 MB


Based on economic theory, investment means the purchase of capital/capital goods that are not consumed but are used for future production. Investment is a component of Gross Domestic Product where GDP = C I G (XM). and is also a function of income and the interest rate, which means that an increase in income will encourage greater investment, and a higher interest rate will reduce the interest in investment.
Jawa Barat has more potential than other provinces. Jawa Barathas the most population as a large market share, easy access to the capital and its various facilities as well as the current purchasing power of the people which is relatively better than before. Therefore, serious management is needed in dealing with investment. To create a conducive climate for investment, start with adequate data, regulations, bureaucracy, level of security, performance evaluation and other information.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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