Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel in Jawa Barat Province 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

Saksikan Rilis Berita Resmi Statistik pada tautan berikut | Telah Rilis Publikasi Provinsi Jawa Barat Dalam Angka 2024 di sini | Data Mencerdaskan Bangsa

Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel in Jawa Barat Province 2020

Catalog Number : 8403001.32
Publication Number : 32000.2138
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : October 20, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.07 MB


Room Occupancy Rate of Hotel in Jawa Barat Province 2020 (TPK) 2020 publication is an annual publication presented by Statistics (BPS) of Jawa Barat Province. The data presented in this publication is the TPK of hotels in the Jawa Barat Region covering 27 regencies/municipalities.In addition to containing hotel TPK data, this publication also presents data on the number of guests staying, room nights sold, nights staying guests, and the average length of stay of guests. The statistical information presented comes from the results of the Monthly Hotel Survey using the VHT-S List which is filled in directly by the hotel every month based on the records of guests staying.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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