Rice Price Statistics at Milling Level of Jawa Barat Province 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

Saksikan Rilis Berita Resmi Statistik pada tautan berikut | Telah Rilis Publikasi Provinsi Jawa Barat Dalam Angka 2024 di sini | Data Mencerdaskan Bangsa

Rice Price Statistics at Milling Level of Jawa Barat Province 2021

Catalog Number : 7103018.32
Publication Number : 32000.2206
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-5745-20-1
Release Date : March 2, 2022
File Size : 2.79 MB


Rice is a strategic item whose availability in the community is absolutely in sufficient quantities so that it can meet the needs of many people's lives. The provision of public goods requires the government to coordinate in an integrated manner with various parties, from producers to marketers. In addition, the government's efforts are aimed at achieving stability in rice prices because the fluctuations in rice prices greatly affect the prices of other commodities, which can lead to significant inflation or deflation. Therefore, the government needs information about the absorption of rice and the price of rice at the mill and market levels.BPS-Statistics of Jawa Barat Province routinely monitors Rice Producer Prices in Mills through the Rice Producer Price Surveys in Mills conducted in 18 Regency of Jawa Barat. Data on Rice Producer Prices in Mills is released by the BPS-Statistics of Jawa Barat Province at the beginning of every month and is used as a Publication of Rice Price Statistics in Mills in Jawa Barat Province which is a routine publication every year. The publication of Rice Price Statistics in Jawa Barat Mills 2021 contains some information regarding prices, milled volumes, and varieties of grain milled in mills.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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