Housing Statistics of Jawa Barat Province 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

Saksikan Rilis Berita Resmi Statistik pada tautan berikut | Telah Rilis Publikasi Provinsi Jawa Barat Dalam Angka 2024 di sini | Data Mencerdaskan Bangsa

Housing Statistics of Jawa Barat Province 2021

Catalog Number : 3303002.32
Publication Number : 32000.2245
Release Date : September 23, 2022
File Size : 5.15 MB


Housing is an essential need for every human being. Through the publication of Housing Statistics of Jawa Barat Province 2021, it is hoped that it can provide an overview of various housing indicators in Jawa BaratProvince, starting from the physical condition of the building, healthy housing facilities, and an overview of livable houses.The data presented is obtained from the results of the National Economic Survey (Susenas) conducted throughout Indonesia in general and Jawa BaratProvince in particular, namely in March 2021. This publication also includes the Relative Standard Error (RSE) which is a form of responsibility in displaying the level of accuracy the data presented. This publication is expected to be a reference for recommendations related to policies and development strategies in the housing sector.
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