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Number of Parcel Post Mailed and Received by Kind in Jawa Barat, 2016


Number of Parcel Post Mailed and Received by Kind in Jawa Barat, 2016

Last Update : March 20, 2018

Number of Parcel Post Mailed and Received by Kind in Jawa Barat, 2016
Post Office Ordinary Expres Aboard
Posted Received Posted Received Posted Received
1. Bandung 163.534 16.806 63.862 21.574 18.421 -
2. Cimahi 7.244 732 2.411 540 319 -
3. Ujung Berung 27.157 4.313 16.162 4.147 1.843 -
4. Soreang 32.266 2.436 8.004 1.619 1.288 -
5. Purwakarta 21.112 3.212 3.028 1.799 595 -
6. Subang 3.213 4.631 4.266 2.357 1.989 -
7. Karawang 39.508 7.289 5.641 5.632 1.756 -
8. Sukabumi 9.453 6.817 4.189 5.157 1.825 -
9. Cianjur 5.740 4.615 5.231 2.876 733 -
10. Garut 5.643 4.596 5.661 4.183 1.641 -
11. Cirebon 15.354 7.108 8.890 6.129 3.033 -
12. Indramayu 4.763 6.969 3.979 2.686 4.206 -
13. Sumedang 8.357 3.510 3.649 2.595 403 -
14. Majalengka 3.485 3.359 2.797 2.939 961 -
15. Kuningan 2.331 3.403 1.875 1.678 225 -
16. Tasikmalaya 13.629 4.662 6.447 4.164 1.097 -
17. Ciamis 3.740 2.209 1.762 1.321 529 -
18. Banjar 3.809 3.657 1.888 2.826 355 -
Jawa Barat 370.338 90.324 149.742 74.222 41.219 -
Source: Indonesian Post Company Regional Office Post and Clearing V Jawa Barat
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Barat (Statistics of Jawa Barat)Jl. PHH. Mustofa No. 43 Bandung 40124

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