Admin Quality Gates BPS District/City Workshop - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Admin Quality Gates BPS District/City Workshop

Admin Quality Gates BPS District/City Workshop

March 13, 2024 | BPS Activities

In order to safeguard data quality, BPS Jawa Barat Province held a Quality Gates (QG) admin workshop on Wednesday (13/3). 

This workshop was attended by all representatives of Regency/City BPS throughout Jawa Barat. This activity was carried out online through the zoom meeting application. In its implementation, this workshop aims to provide an understanding to all participants about the implementation of QG and the use of the QG system.

On this occasion, the Head of BPS jawa Barat Province, Marsudijono, gave a speech and direction. He advised on the urgency of implementing QG in every BPS activity, starting from officer recruitment, training, field activities, processing, to data dissemination. 

QG is a form of quality improvement for every activity held by BPS. Finally, he also evaluated the various activities that have been carried out by BPS and conveyed follow-up for Regency / City BPS.
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