Several Indicators of The Impact of The Crisis And Poverty in Beached Villages Of West Java Province 1999 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Several Indicators of The Impact of The Crisis And Poverty in Beached Villages Of West Java Province 1999

Catalog Number : 3102024.32
Publication Number : 32521.0003
ISSN/ISBN : 979-486-558-3
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : May 31, 2000
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 6.22 MB


The economic crisis that hit the last few years had an impact on several fundamental changes, especially macro indicators. Several macro indicators of the impact of the crisis include the employment situation, employment, the number of unemployed, to the problem of poverty. The problem of poverty is a complex problem in developing countries such as Indonesia, so it needs optimal handling. Through the Hundred Villages Survey (SSD) as a result of the recent collaboration between BPS and Unicef, the problem of poverty due to the economic crisis has become the main focus. The poverty analysis of SSD results summarized in this publication focuses on the poverty of coastal villages in Pandeglang Regency, West Java Province, seen from the development of education and health conditions.
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