Official inauguration Administrators and officials of BPS Jawa Barat Province. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Barat Province

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Official inauguration Administrators and officials of BPS Jawa Barat Province.

Official inauguration Administrators and officials of BPS Jawa Barat Province.

September 7, 2016 | Other Activities

7 September 2016. Head of BPS West Java Province inaugurated a number of officials Esselon III and
Officials Esselon IV in BPS Regency / City of West Java. Inauguration and oath of office this
by Decree of the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Indonesia Number 0822010 / KPG
2016 On August 22, 2016 and the Decree of the Head of BPS West Java Province No.
315 / KPG / 32 of the year 2016. A total of 6 (six) Acting Administrator and 35 (thirty-five) Officials
Supervisors have mutations and rotation. Among the officials there are 2 Administrator appointed
(Two) the mutation of the provinces of Clocks Zamachsyari previously served as Head of
Distribution Statistics BPS Central Java province was sworn in as head of BPS Tasikmalaya and
Sarwono previously served as Head of East Java Province IPDS BPS sworn in as head of BPS
In his speech the Head of BPS West Java Province Bachdi Ruswana message
that the office is not the right mandate, essentially how officials can always keep
the mandate of the duties and responsibilities given. Bachdi Ruswana also expressed
that mutation and rotations are common in an organization for the sake of refreshment and raise
adrenaline employees so that when in new places with new situations could raise
performance for the sake of a better CPM.
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